Our bred mare Sommernachtstraum out of our St.Pr.St. Sommermärchen did an excellent mare performance test yesterday under Wenke Kraus in Vechta.
She won her ring at the district mare show in Wietmarschen and became final ring mare!
We congratulate the owner Karsten Stroot very much to this great mare and wish a lot of success at the elite mare show in Hude-Wüsting, to which also another mare (Bes. Maria Crone-Münzebrock) from our breeding, out of our St.Pr.St. Samba de Ricarda WE, is admitted!
Photo 1: Sommernachtstraum district mare show Wietmarschen 2022.
Photo 2-4: SLP Vechta under Wenke Kraus.
Photo 5: Winning mare St.Pr.St. Sommermärchen WE elite mare show Hude-Wüsting 2018.
Photo 6: Winning mare St.Pr.St. Sommermärchen WE Bezirksstutenschau Wietmarschen 2018

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