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Sophie's Chanel is State Championesse 2021

Sophie's Chanel WE continues her winning streak and is State Champion Mare of three-year-old riding ponies in Rastede 2021!

After our St.Pr.A. Sophie's Chanel WE became champion mare of the district mare show in Bruchmühlen and won the SLP in Münster with 9,0, she could now also convince in Rastede at the state tournament and became state championesse of the three year old riding ponies with 8,6 under Danica Duen!

The stallion Destination WE (Danny Gold x St.Pr.St. Grazia WE; owned by Sabine Meiners), bred by us, was also successful and, after finishing the qualification test with a second place, took third place in the final with a score of 8.3 under Linda Boller!

So now it goes for three ponies from our breed to the Bundeschampionat 2021! (Neverland WE, Sophie's Chanel WE and Destination WE).

Congratulations also to all participants!

Photos: M. Oellrich-Overesch and Julia Packeiser

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