Bundeschampionesse of three-year-old mares & geldings 2021!
Our St.Pr.A. Sophie's Chanel WE has become the Bundeschampionesse of the three year old mares and geldings 2021 under Danica Duen!
She received a 9.5 for trot and a dream score of 10.0 for rideability!
In addition, she has been awarded by the Federal Ministry of Food & Agriculture as the most successful three-year-old riding pony mare registered in a studbook!
We are very proud and grateful that we can expect a foal out of this great mare by Cosmopolitan NRW next year!
In addition, Neverland WE under Sophie Duen has become bronze medalist in the final of the 5-year-old dressage ponies!
We thank the whole team Duen for the great presentation of our breeding products and congratulate all participants very much!
Besides the successes in Warendorf at the Bundeschampionat, Daily Pleasure WE under Antonia Roth also delivered successful performances at the European Championships in Poland!
They became with the team again Team European Champion and could win in the Pony Individual Test with 81, 027% and in the Freestyle Test with 85,090% silver each!
Photos: Julia Packeiser and @equestrianews//marionpoissonphotography